Monday, November 23, 2009

CNS News falsely suggests Senate bill "mandates federally subsidized abortion" inconsistent with Hyde Amendment

CNS News falsely suggests Senate bill "mandates federally subsidized abortion" inconsistent with Hyde Amendment

Terence Jeffrey, editor-in-chief of the conservative website, falsely suggested that the Senate health care bill "would mandate federally subsidized abortion" in a manner inconsistent with the Hyde Amendment's restrictions on the types of abortions for which federal dollars can be used. But the section of the bill Jeffrey cited explicitly prohibits the use of federal funds to provide coverage for abortions that are currently restricted under Hyde, and requires segregation of non-federal funds from federal funds to pay for those procedures in a manner similar to that used in many states that cover such abortions under the federally subsidized Medicaid program.

Senate bill explicitly prohibits federal funding of abortions not covered under Hyde

*Bill requires HHS secretary ensure public option uses "no Federal funds" in providing abortion coverage beyond Hyde. Section 1303(a)(1)(C) of the Senate bill, titled "Prohibition on federal funds for abortion services in community health insurance option" -- a section that Jeffrey provided at the end of his article -- explains that the Health and Human Services secretary must ensure that "no Federal funds are used for such coverage" as outlined in Section 1303(a)(1)(B)(i). That section is defined as "Abortion for which public funding is prohibited," or, in Jeffrey's words, "those types of abortions currently banned from receiving federal funding under the Hyde Amendment."
When conservatives are not lying about health care they continue to be one of America's biggest terror threats.