Friday, December 4, 2009

When it Comes to Jobs Conservatives Once Again Resort to Pathetic Lies

When it Comes to Jobs Conservatives Once Again Resort to Pathetic Lies
Today, the White House is hosting a jobs forum, “to sound out ideas for accelerating job growth during the worst labor market in a generation,” as Democrats in both houses of Congress are attempting to craft jobs legislation. Yesterday, the administration for the first time expressed support for new legislation, so long as it has a “relatively small deficit impact.”

This effort comes in the wake of a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report showing that the economic stimulus package is having its intended effect — creating or saving 600,000 to 1.6 million jobs — albeit in a weaker than anticipated economy.

Republicans, though, have said that additional jobs legislation “would meet resistance.” They’re justifying this position — aided by the conservative media — by claiming that the “failed economic stimulus” has not created jobs, despite the CBO reporting otherwise.
If there are any conservatives left for who the words integrity and honor mean something, your party has been hijacked by serial liars, crazy birthers, science haters and puppets of special interests.